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[SMM Analysis]The Lithium Carbonte Spot Prices maintain relatively stable on March 25

iconMar 25, 2025 17:02
The Lithium Carbonte Spot Prices maintain relatively stable on March 25

SMM battery-grade lithium carbonate index price is 74,238yuan/mt, up 69yuan/mt than last workday; battery-grade lithium carbonate price is 73,200-75,000yuan/mt, remains unchanged than last workday; industrial-grade lithium carbonate price is 71,650-72,650 yuan/mt, remains unchanged than last workday .The lithium carbonate spot price maintains relatively stable today. The upstream enterprises still maintain the strong attitude on quotes, whether traders or downstream plants, there are little transaction. In order to sell the lower-quality lithium carbonate, the traders promoted the transaction at the lower price. From the downstream, the plants purchased the lithium carbonate for stocking at a lower price, so today the purchase attitude of downstream get poorer.

Overall, there is a surplus trend in lithium carbonate, and ore plants are signaling a potential decline in ore prices, which may impact the cost of lithium carbonate. As a result, we forecast that lithium carbonate may have downside room with fluctuations in the near future.

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Lithium Carbonate Price

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